The Unexpected Benefits Of Cleaning
Here are three unexpected benefits of cleaning that you might not have been aware of:
1. Lower Your Stress
Cleaning allows you to organize your space. When you avoid cleaning or push it back, it piles up, literally. Having too much to clean can cause stress and anxiety, and oftentimes results it results in us never actually getting the job done. If you clean for a few minutes every day, or set aside an hour a week, you’ll avoid a day that is focused entirely on cleaning, which can be overwhelming. Having a clean home also makes you want to have friends and family over which is great for your mental health.
2. Reduce Allergies
By not cleaning, you can worsen your allergies and asthma. This is especially true in areas that have carpeting, furniture or bedding. If you have pets, not cleaning will enhance the symptoms for people who are allergic to them when they are at your home. It’s especially important to clean areas in your basement and areas that are damp. This can result in mold that will only continue to get worse the longer you neglect cleaning. All of these can result in severe allergic reactions.
3. A Healthier You
We’ve covered how cleaning can help your mental health, but a recent study showed that people with clean houses are actually physically healthier than those who don’t. The study shows that those who kept a tidy home were healthier and more active than those who didn’t. Plus, when you’re cleaning, you’re burning calories. For example, you can burn up to 150 calories while doing laundry, 100 calories rearranging furniture and 160 calories by hand washing dishes. Not only are you cleaning, but you’re working out, too!