The Complete Guide to Emergency Pre-Date Cleaning
Imagine this scenario: you’ve invited the person you’re dating over for a drink before dinner, or maybe your favorite right-swipe has asked you on a date tonight, and there is a chance they may be seeing your place for the first time. You look around and excitement turns to panic as you realize, “Oh no, I have to clean.”
Now, it’s normal to let the chores go when you’re living the single life, but according to the team at Apartment Therapy, cleanliness is the first thing your date will notice when they walk through your door. So when you find yourself in pre-date crunch time, here’s a guide to getting your home and yourself date-ready.
1. Clear the Clutter
That mail on your dining table and the clothes on your floor have got to go. Put things away that can quickly be returned to their designated spaces, like desk drawers and hampers. Straighten up your shelves, tables and other surfaces and do a sweep of your place for dirty dishes, trash and recycling. Don’t forget the bathroom! Once things are in order, do a quick dusting with a multi-surface cleaner. During an emergency cleanup, all-purpose multi-surface cleaners will be your best friend.
2. Make Your Bed
Even if your only bedroom activity is opening the door while you show them your home, make your bed with fresh sheets. Don’t worry about hiding your security blanket or stuffed animal. They’ll find out eventually.
3. Clean Your Bathroom
Gather your bathroom cleaning supplies, because surveys show that the bathroom is the main location of cleaning turnoffs for men and women. The number one turnoff? A dirty toilet. Start there. Then, using your trusty multi-surface cleaner and shower scrubber, tackle the tub, sink shower doors and floor, making sure to get the area behind the toilet. Don’t forget to clean the mirror, refresh the hand towels and replace the toilet paper roll.
4. Clean Your Kitchen
The kitchen is another key cleaning area that dates notice. Get the dishes out of the sink and into the dishwasher. Don’t have a dishwasher? Make a game time decision: wash them now or hide them in the oven. Wipe down the counters, oven and fridge with your multi-surface cleaner. See? We told you it would be your best friend.
5. Make the Most of Crunch Time
Time is of the essence now, so vacuum your floors, baseboards, couches and chairs. Take your floor scrubber to the kitchen floors with a quick spray of that trusty multi-surface cleaner. Any extraneous items – too many dirty clothes, old magazines, bathroom cleaning supplies – hide them! Promise yourself to keep up with chores in the future, light a candle and get yourself ready to fall in love.
Keep Your Home Date-Ready with The Simple Scrub
The Simple Scrub exists to make cleaning easier, faster and pain-free. Our long handle scrubber is ergonomically designed to keep you upright and comfortable and enables you to clean floor to ceiling without working up a pre-date sweat. The Simple Spray all-purpose cleaner and degreaser is eco-friendly and safe to use on multiple surfaces, sparing you big buckets of mop water and a caddy full of cleaners. With one tool, one cleaner and a variety of reusable pads, you can consolidate your bathroom, kitchen and household cleaning supplies, making it fast and easy work of regular chores and last-minute pre-date cleanups.
Shop The Simple Scrub’s products, combos and subscriptions today, and be ready the next time someone special stops by.